Installing a network printer

Adding a printer at Cardiff High School

**Updated** as of 8/9/2020

Click on the start menu and type in print, you will then see the following:

Click on the "Printers & Scanners Icon at the top of the list, you will then see the following: 

Click on the + then the list will re-fresh scroll down until you see the printer you wish to add then click on the printer (Repro Mono below as an example) 

If the printer you want is not listed then click on the Blue test under the list "The Printer that I want is not listed" then you will see:

Click on the 3rd option "Select a shared printer by Name" then enter \\chs-prt01\ and all printers will be listed just click on the one you want to install

Then Click on Add Device

Once this is completed you will see the printer in your list as per below:

Dont forget to Load papercut from the desktop before printing otherwise your prints will not be released! 

Look for the Papercut Icon 

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