Google Drive File Stream

Using Google Drive File Stream @ CHS

Written by R Brown

July 2020

As we are now going to be using Google for Education exclusively we have deployed google Drive File Stream to your computers.

** If you do not see this then please let us know and we can re-install for you quickly.

To open and use Google Drive File Stream please look on your start Menu and you should see the following:

When you load the program you will then see a login box such as:

You need to enter your school google account such as and your network Password

After entering the details and clicking next you will then see the following:

Click through the arrows and you will then see the option to “open google drive”

Click on this or cancel and then when you goto “This Pc” on the start menu you will see another drive G:\ such as:

In the G Drive you will then see your Personal and Team google drives where you can drag and drop files and folders to upload to the google cloud.

Items put in your personal drive should be things from your N:\ My Documents Drive and items put into your Team Drive(s) are items that are accessible and shared with your teams.

When Items have been copied into the required drive you can then access them from anywhere you have internet access including your phone and tablet from either the Google Drive IOS or Android applications or from going to and logging in with your username & Password.


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