Sims Update Via VPN
Installing Sims Update
If when loading Sims you to receive an "Incompatible database" error Sims requires an update.
Sims Updates in Theory are automatic but we often find this is not the case and we often have to manually update your computer. Please make sure you have closed sims completely including the signing screen.
1) Select software centre from within the start-menu, this can be done either by typing software centre in the search field by the start menu or when you have the start-menu open.
For ease we have also placed an Icon on the desktop.
2) Once Software center has loaded you will be given a number of options to install. For this guide we want to install Sims Update - Update Sims
3) Select the software then click install selected (top right )
The update will then start to download. download times will vary depending on your home broad band speed. The process should be automatic once it has finished it will have the status of "Installed" if the install fails please retry with a wired connection if using wireless. Failing this move closer to the wireless hub.
Sims should now be up-to date and ready for use. If however you are still having problems please do let us know via the ICT Helpdesk.