Netsupport School

Netsupport School

Teacher Guide 

Netsupport school has a lot of features which will take some time to make the most of. This guide is designed to give you an overview of these and allow you to get the used to the software from the start of term. It is currently available in all IT Suites, Music, DT and the LRC.

Section 1:

Initial Start-up – Lesson Details

As you can see above when you run Netsupport school you will first see this screen. Depending on the location you are in your Room will be shown in the “Connect to” box above.  Please do not attempt to add / delete or modify this. If you don’t see the room, please let us know and we can rectify it for you.

You Don’t need to complete anything on this screen but it will come in handy later on if you do. To just connect to your room please just double click on the Room Name.

You will then see the following:

This shows the connected Clients. If they are Greyed out, you can highlight the computers in grey and then from the manage menu (Shown Below) you can power the computers on from your Pc (Neat!)

When you choose Power On the computers will be sent a network command and be told to power on. *this works only if the cables are plugged in and switched on at the socket! *

Once the computers have powered up you will see them connected.

When everyone is logged in you can easily create a seating plan… click on the second icon on the left 

which takes you to a PC overview which you can then move around as shown below:

The main menu bar across the top of the screen looks like this:

From left to right the functions are:

Class manage (Connect to clients or end lesson)

Student Register – Don’t bother with this unless you want to use it as it doesn’t link to Sims

Journal – This is where you can create and save your lessons – Very hand and easy to use. Can be printed, saved and shared with students. Create the lesson and use it time and time again.

Show Menu – Allows you to “Present” your desktop to student’s computers

View Client – Click this to view and pc (Same as double clicking a pc / username on the main window)

File Transfer – Send any type of File to an individual user or the whole class! Really useful.

Send / Collect work – Similar to file transfer but you can “Collect” / send a request to students to send work to you for Marking.

Lock – Locks a student’s computer (Select all pcs if you want to lock / unlock all pc’s in the room) – This prevents them from ignoring you and looking at the screen.

Unlock – Releases control of the pc back to the student

Blank ALL – Same as Lock but shows nothing on the screen – Maybe not a good function as people may think the PC has crashed and turn it off and lose work so would suggest using lock instead.

Web Access – Control which sites you want students to use during the lesson

Co Browse – Browse the internet with students

Manage Menu – Reboot, power On, Power Off, Logout Users.

Communicate Menu – Chat, send message – Not sure how useful this would be.

Help requests – See requests for help from students * Currently disabled but can be re-enabled if requested. May prove a distraction.

Student Toolbar -   * This has been disabled as it can distract students. (Can be enabled on a per Room Basis if required)

Testing Console – This is well worth spending some time with can help with Controlled assessments and short tests.

Lesson Plans – Very useful for IT Lesson Planning and “Setting the scene” for the different lessons / Year Groups

** Below you will see some of the expanded options from the main toolbar **

This is the Communicate Menu

This is the Manage Class Menu

Below is the Manage Menu – you will probably use this the most

This is the Send and Collect Menu

This is the Show menu 

The option to Create a Replay is basically to record what you are doing so a Screen Capture Video.

As you can see by the number of options and featured only briefly mentioned there is a lot of functionality built into the program so it will take some time to make the most of it.

If you need help please let us know and will do our best to give you an answer. I have only given you a very brief and short overview of the features please grab a copy of the full manual from the Curriculum Drive O:\Netsupport\Netsupport school Manual The information you will be looking at will be from Pages 44 – 268 thankfully the PDF is searchable.

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