ICT Asset Management Policy
Cardiff High School
ICT Asset Management policy
As all assets purchased by the school are for the school using public funds we need to ensure we comply the required rules as outlined within the schools financial regulations and instructions.
All assets are to be monitored during their lifecycle to help prevent theft, ensure they remain in use as designated throughout their lifespan and we know where they are at all times.
All School assets are to be marked with an Official school Asset label which should not be removed under any circumstance.
The label carries a barcode or Qr Code which contains asset information readable by the Schools ICT Support Staff, the wording of “Property of Cardiff High School” or “Cardiff High School” and an unique asset number.
All high value items such as Laptops, Ipads, Learnpads, Desktop Pc’s etc are Marked using Smart Water as well as an Asset Label. This held the police to identify stolen items by using a special chemical formula DNA uniquely registered to Cardiff High school.
When an item becomes to expensive or deamed beyond repair the asset will be written off and treated as weee waste which will be dealt with under the schools ICT Asset disposal Policy.
The ICT Department Monitor movement of Devices electronically and when brought in for repair and re-used will be moved to a new location and noted.
By Summer 2019 we will have a new Barcoded or Qr code Asset Management System in place which will ensure items are not missed from the register as the previous methods of entry at times (Spreadsheets) meant we sometimes missed items.