ICT Access Control Policy
To ensure high standards of data protection a strict access control policy is in place on the Cardiff High Network..
What is access control ?
Access control is controlling access to data and resources across the Network which starts with your user account. Your network ID is your personal identity in CHS for all things ICT. At its heart access control gives us as Network administrators a way to provide access to resources you need whilst preventing access to those you don’t. We use various methods to achieve this but one main method is by allocating people with a common set of access rights to a group such as “Staff” this group allows access to computers and a predefined start menu and desktop. To allocate access to shared resources for example the Curriculum drive. O:\ we add users to another group such as Teaching-Drives. This group is configured to allow or deny access to different areas of the network.
We also have share level permissions in place which may give access to read information but not amend, copy or delete, for example. The Student Shared Drive allows students to consume information whilst not tampering with it
Access to save or run executable files, (Software installers, scripts or batch, cmd or *jar files) which could be infected by a virus for example are not permitted to be saved or executed for unauthorised areas such as your Personal Network drive N:\
Students are not permitted to login to a staff pc which has Sims installed either and we use several ways to prevent this from happening. If it is attempted the login will be denied, however staff can login to a student pc in order to sit next to them and support them in ICT Suites.
When leaving your computer unattended you must lock it by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL, If you fail to do so your screen will be locked after 20 Minutes and you will be logged out after 2 hours in classroom areas (Not in offices). At the end of the day at 8pm all computers are shutdown.