Switching Google Accounts

Adding a Hwb account to the Avantis Laptops (For Google Classroom)


The purpose of this guide is to show you how to add your Hwb account to google classrooms on the Avantis Laptops.

The Process:

The process only needs to be done whilst using the Avantis Laptops as they are currently still enrolled on the cardiffhigh.co.uk Domain.

Step one:

Login to the laptop with network username@cardiffhigh.co.uk and the Password you use to login to any school computer.

Once this is done goto https://classroom.google.com . at the top Right of the screen you will see your account as shown below:

Click on “Add another account” then you will see the following login screen

Complete the form by entering your Hwb account details and click on Next, then enter your Password and click on Next.

Once completed you will see that you have the opened a new Tab in google classrooms logged in with your Hwb account as shown below:

You will now see your New Classrooms via Hwb.

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