Using the Macs in Music & Art

Using the Macs in Art & Music 2024

When logging into the Apple Macs you will see the following login screen as shown below.

When the Red dot at the top right of the screen has gone then you can login. If the Red dot is still showing after 1 minutes please restart the mac.

login using your network credentials, in this example I will be using an account called “Test_Student”

Once logged into the computer, it will connect to the internet and update its settings from the school's Apple Management platform (JAMF School). This ensures that the computer “Pulls Down” the correct settings for the students and takes only a few seconds to complete.

Once logged in you will see the desktop, on the taskbar as shown below you “Should” See a globe, It is very important that the student clicks this as it connects them to the School server and load their “ Network Documents folder” Once this is done they will see their folder appear on the desktop, In this example “Test_Student” is being used.

Once clicked on their network files will show

When creating a file in Sibelius the student will need to save their work to a location on the Mac such as Documents then drag and drop this to their Connected network folder.

Below is the Save window shown

The student needs to expand the options by clicking on the Downward arrow to the right of the Scores location then the following option is shown.

Save the file and give it a suitable name then simply open the location the file was saved too and drag and drop this file into the network folder.

Close Sibelius and then work from the network location by double clicking the created file when it needs to be saved again you may see “Sibelius needs permission to save to a network location” Just click on Yes / Okay then the file saved on the network is then updated and not lost.

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